Sunday, August 19, 2007

There's More Than Rice in Fukui!

As the saying goes, there's more than corn in Indiana. And, there's more than rice in Fukui. Some "veteran" Fukui JETs took us newbies on an lovely tour of our fair prefecture, and I have photos to entice y'all to visit (I even wore my skull n' crossbones t-shirt for all the photo opps)!

Our first stop was Maruoka Castle, which is actually just a few blocks from my apartment. Who can say they live down the street from a castle?!? Built in 1576, it is the oldest standing castle in Japan, pretty impressive considering that means it survived all of the bombing and earthquakes than have hit this area.

We then headed west to the mountains, home of Fukui's finest ski slopes (that's where you'll find me this winter) and the Dai Butsu, the biggest Buddha in Japan. It's, well, slightly newer than the castle - it was actually built in 1987 after a wealthy Japanese businessman died and left his entire fortune to complete the construction. But what it lacks in antiquity (the pagoda has an elevator), it makes up for in impressiveness.

(Is "impressiveness" a word? My English is suffering...)

1 comment:

hfv said...

Really? there's more than corn in Indiana? Is it silos? ;)

Y si, 'impressiveness' es una palabra :)