Sunday, February 17, 2008

おっぱい Pudding

Yes, as you can probably deduce from the picture, おっぱい means "boobs."

And yes, おっぱい was on the menu -- in pudding form -- at a restaurant I went to with my Japanese tutor, her crazy scuba diving friends, and a few token gaijin last night. At 370 yen, and available in your choice of either chocolate or vanilla, this おっぱい hilarity was too cheap to pass up.

The kicker? The pudding was apparently too racy to actually picture on the menu. As a semi-illiterate but very hungry foreigner living in Japan, I've come to appreciate that most restaurants are equipped with full-color, photo-loaded menus. If you can't read the name of the dish you're ordering, you can just point to the pic of something that looks tasty and smile at the server.

This point-and-smile system is usually foolproof, except for when you're ordering boob pudding. In the case of おっぱい, the picture was highly pixilated -- censored, if you will -- so I couldn't figure out what it was. I thought the blurriness was a mistake on the menu until one of the Japanese scuba crew members noticed it and started laughing. It took some dictionary consulting and gesturing, but I got the joke and decided to treat my interpreter to some well-deserved dessert.

Chocolate, of course.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Freakin' hilarious! But if mine looked like those do...I'd be a little worried!